Branford Garden Club
The Branford Garden Club has two sections – Daytime, and Evening which best accommodates people who work. The monthly speaker/topic is different for each group and members are welcome to attend all the meetings. All meetings are open so that members may include guests. Programs are selected for their relevance to our mission, are appealing to members, and offer diversity in topics. Speakers may come from experts within our membership or external expert speakers, or programs may include demonstrations, field trips and civic projects.
DAYTIME MEETINGS are held on the first Thursday of the month. There are no meetings in January, July and August. A light lunch of finger sandwiches and salads is served at noon, followed by a business meeting and program speaker. We are delighted to include members guests. We do not serve drinks in Styrofoam cups, so everyone must bring their own cup. Thank you!
EVENING MEETINGS are held on the first Tuesday of the month, beginning at 6:30 PM. A short business meeting precedes the speaker who normally starts at 6:45 PM.
Meetings are at the Joe Trapasso Community House, 46 Church Street, Branford unless noted.
The Trapasso Community House, 46 Church Street
A summary of our day and evening program topics and dates are listed below. To view a pdf of all current year programs & activities click here:
Long Island Sound, Branford
TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 4th - 6:30PM - Malaine Trecoske
Evening Program: By popular request our own Master Gardener and Master Composter Malaine Trecoske will make a presentation. The title of the talk to be announced.
THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6th Noon - Raised Beds Why, how and where
Daytime Program: Eric Larson, the Coordinator of the Master Gardener Program, New Haven County. Are raised beds something you have been considering? Join us for Eric’s presentation and learn about this most interesting gardening option.
TUESDAY, MARCH 4th - 6:30PM - “Success with Hydrangeas”
Evening Program: Lorraine Ballato. Lorraine is a writer/speaker/photographer, d/b/a Lady Gardener. She is an instructor at the New York Botanical Garden where she is regarded as the resident hydrangea expert. She is also an instructor in the CT Master Gardener program.
THURSDAY, MARCH 6th - Noon - “Lacecaps, Mopheads and Sterile Florets”
Daytime Program: Lacecaps, Mopheads and Sterile Florets. Hydrangeas are among the most impressive shrubs available to gardens for adding late season color and flair. In recent years the development of new forms has exploded with countless unique and exciting varieties now available. Join Broken Arrow Nurseries Adam Wheeler for this informative lecture that demystifies this complex group of plants and showcases some of the very best new selections.
TUESDAY, APRIL 1st 6:30 PM - Landscape Design by Club member Leslie Martino
Evening Program: Leslie is a Natureworks landscape designer, Federated Garden Club’s Landscape Design School Instructor, designer of several historic gardens and world gardens traveler. This will be a wonderful not-to-be-missed presentation.
THURSDAY, APRIL 3rd Noon - “Herbariums: Botanical Treasure Troves Supporting Science, Conservation & Horticulture”
Daytime Program: Patrick Sweeney joined the Peabody Museum as Collections Manager in the Division of Botany in 2008. In addition to managing the Peabody’s botanical collections, Patrick’s interests include flowering plant systematics and evolution, North American floristics, and biodiversity informatics.
THURSDAY, MAY 1st Noon - “How to turn your garden into a native plant habitat”
Daytime Program: How to turn your garden into a native plant habitat for bees, butterflies, hummingbirds and even fish! Branford residents Joe Misdraji and Scott Thomas are doing exactly this with their gardens. Their project is a “work in progress”. Joe and Scott will share with us the amazing work they have done and their vision for future projects.
TUESDAY, MAY 6th 6:30PM - “Growing Mountain Laurels in CT “
Evening Program: “Growing Mountain Laurels with Felicia Millet, CAES, Connecticut Agricultural Station speaker. Mountain Laurel is the CT State flower.
TUESDAY, JUNE 3rd 6:30PM - “Garden Party: get together at Harrison House Garden
Evening Program: A Garden Party get together at the historic Harrison House Garden. A talk about the gardens, newly designed by Leslie Martino, installed and maintained by BGC.
THURSDAY, JUNE 5th 11:00 AM Annual Meeting
Annual Meeting
Pine Orchard Country Yacht Club 11 a.m.
A Social with a brief Business Meeting
Lunch choices to be announced. Cash bar.
Please Note: Annual dues due!